Turmeric is a natural aphrodisiac that can help you live longer sex
If you have a low sex drive, you will be surprised after knowing that groceries in the kitchen is a great boost libido. This kind of plant is used widely throughout the world and loving herbs most effective.
While tubers ginseng as a pharmaceutical in the treatment of sexual problems and increase strength turmeric herb is No. 2. Health researchers from Iran's Mashhad University found that turmeric is effective in increasing sexual energy and passion.
When saffron is used to treat erectile dysfunction, it can also help keep your penis hard prolonged use during sex. Turmeric can boost energy levels by increasing the levels of sending signals to the nerves and reduce stress and help people feel fresh.

Did you know! Turmeric is an herb that can be used to deal with depression naturally.
Usually you can use the powder Turmeric 200 mg is enough, but if you have a serious problem should be 400 mg per day. However, Ayurvedic Doctor advises that you should always use a proper and continued to try to use, although results in two to three days.
Source: traditional Khmer
Blogs related: Scientists have found that sex 3 times a week can help reduce the risk of stroke. In addition, regular sex can also provide multiple benefits for health, help you live longer. The following will show the explanations of science to help you live longer:
- Protection from psychiatric
We all know that the amount of brain cells will return to normal when people get older. Indeed, in 35 years we're going to lose brain cells than 7,000 every day. This news makes people very worried and think of what is pessimistic.
However, many scientists from Princeton University in the United States has brought good tidings to improve the situation. Sex regularly will help produce new brain cells.
Another study, released in the journal PLoS One, showed that sex stimulates the growth of brain cells and memory capacity knowledge.
Many factors, such as stress and depression can cause brain expression narrowed, while Sex and exercise can help solve.
Dr Ghosh sexual health professionals from Liverpool, UK said, "older people have sex less prone to psychiatric problems" .
In addition, sex can also increase blood flow to the brain and increase oxygen levels.
Expert psychologist Barry Komisaruk at Rutgers University, explained that "through brain scans using technology magnetic vibrations showed that semen makes the brain cells work hard and use more oxygen. "

- Protect the Heart
University of British Queen in Belfast found that having sex 3 times a week can help reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke brain.
According to a study in other countries including Israel, have shown that women who decide to ejaculate 2 times a week, the risk of heart disease decreased to 30% compared to who do not like sex or semen.
Mrs. Lisa Turner, MD, expert on sexual and romantic "hormones, antibiotics Phil released during sex can help stop the body's stress hormones these heart disease. "
- Protection from prostate cancer
Researchers at the University of Nottingham, UK, have found that 50-year-old men who have sex regularly can make the risk of cancer prostate low levels.
Dr Ghosh explained, "The study also showed that the monks face the risk of prostate cancer highest."
- Sleep
Sex can help solve insomnia better than sleeping pills. Dr. Ghosh said, "Of course, sex in the evening can benefit more than sex in the morning. Because after the semen and body always need a break do not want to get up.
For men, no different sperm injection relieve stress. This is why men sleepy after sex.
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